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Hooky Hackers

A fast, convenient and foolproof solution for attendance monitoring at Georgia Tech


Android Application, Wifi access points, Attendance monitoring, CIC competition, Ubiquitous computing


Technology continues to march forward in many aspects of our lives, but the methods we use to track attendance in classroom are still fairly basic. It is still common to observe students signing a physical attendance sheet, swiping a student ID card, or using a clicker to answer questions in class, and each of these methods is not without its flaws.

We sought to develop a modernized approach for attendance tracking that takes advantage of the ubiquity of smartphones and a school’s pre-existing wifi network infrastructure to not only maintain the same level of efficiency as the clickers, but also introduce new security measures to minimize the amount of students falsely marked as present.



  • Programmed an Android application to monitor and verify class attendance by utilizing a Google Firebase database and Georgia Tech's Wifi infrastructure to obtain students' locational information.
  • Implemented multi-layer foolproof mechanisms to prevent user dulication and identity fraud by matching each device to its dedicated student.
  • Won 2nd place in the Smart City division at Convengence Innovation Competition (CIC) (open new window) in November 2017. (The Prize = GoPro Hero!!)
  • Project was selected for further continuation by Professor Thomas Ploetz from Georgia Institute of Technology.